• creativity,  mental illness,  self help

    Creativity and Mental Illness

    I won’t pretend I know much about mental illness. The little I do know is from what I’ve seen in relatives and, honestly, bio parents to our foster kids. But what I do know a lot about is anxiety. I started having panic attacks in junior high, way back in the 80s. Only back then, not only was mental illness not discussed like it is nowadays, but I’d never heard of panic attacks. It sounds like someone panics then attacks you. I guess that’s kind of what your body does. I remember my mom taking me to my pediatrician when I explained that I felt like I was walking around…

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  • basketball,  homeschool,  parenting

    Just When I Think I Have it All Together…

    …just kidding. I never think that. After 10 years of homeschooling, my 13.5 year old decided to try public school. We asked him every year if he wanted to try it, mostly because he was difficult to homeschool. But I’ll save that for another post. He decided he wanted to go to public school in April of 2019. By the middle of May, he was in. He had no interest in waiting until September and wanted to learn his way around the school and meet kids right away. He also decided that he wanted to play basketball. Specifically, be in the NBA. But, again, that’s a post for another time.…

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